We are professionals of Cryptocurrency management and strategy planning, we value the experimentation and the smart incentives.
Ashley Rollins
Verified Tutor
Jenna Rossity
Verified Tutor
Lizanne Marshall
Verified Tutor
Phil Maglossop
Freelance Tutor
Young Ronald
Freelance Tutor
Sue Perrman
Freelance Tutor
Why Us?
One of the best platform for DEFI INVESTMENT, known for massive profit and very low records of losses.
The DEFI CURRENCY project deals on NFT Staked in a defi protocol which refers to liquidity pools that are based on a revamped automated market maker (AMM) model.
You can add custom NFT that acts as the investment capital or liquidity to earn yield derived from trading fees,transactions and
and blocks, this yield becomes the profit return to the investor but in the form of Eth.
Yield farming is one such investment strategy in DeFi. It involves lending or staking your cryptocurrency coins,tokens or NFTs to get rewards in the form of transaction fees or interest.
This is somewhat similar to earning interest from a bank account; you are technically lending money to the bank.
Yield farming is the act of generating rewards such as interest and cryptocurrency by staking assets on dApps through a DeFi platform. The cryptocurrency is locked up for a certain period of time and acts as liquidity for lending, borrowing and trading.
Immideately after staking the DCA {DEFI CURRENCY ART} NFTs on the DEFI protocol run by the DCA project,
the automated program of the DCA increases the leverage of the liquidity so as to create an attraction
on transactions creating a low level fee hash block which will make more transactions pass through the DCA
block and thus start increasing the investors profit in less than 10 minutes.
Assets staked on the DCA system for liquidity are exposed to the market and followed through the yield farming process on a computing generating system called the Defi Protocoll assisted by the DCA automated program which fastens up the process and liquidity profits will be available
If new to trading , that should not be a problem with the available verified tutors to guide you through your whole trading process.
The available tutors are in no way in connection with the Defi platform as they only assist with your investment and charge a tutorship commision from your profits and you are not to share any personal details with them while your whole trading should be carrried out by yourself
Processing Power
Transaction Hash
Ashley Rollins
Verified Tutor
Young Ronald
Freelance Tutor
Lizanne Marshal
Verified Tutor
Frequently Asked Questions
Which wallet do you support?
For crypto trading or depositing funds with crypto , we accept all types of wallets But for NFT staking or NFT investment we only accept TRUST and METAMASK wallets..
Can i mint my own NFT and stake on this platform ?
Yes the option to mint your own NFT is available on the DCA platform and you will find that option from your user dashboard
How long would i keep receiving guidance from the verified coach ?
Our verified tutors can guide you through the steps on every trade for as long as you want but there is always a 10% service charge for every liquidity period you were guided
Can other NFTs be staked here ?
Yes you can stake any NFTs here but you will need to have enough balance to cover gas fees
Stake any amount of crypto by depositing crypto on your online wallet.
Processing fee that needs to be paid to enable multi tasking by the DCA automated system on the defi protocol.
You can also choose to mint your own NFT on the platform and earn profits from staking your NFTs on the Defi Protocol.
Bonuses comes after every block transactions have been processed while reward is the total profit received after liquidity.
What do we do
Why Choose Us
DEFI Platform is different from any platform you’ve used before. Here's why:
Protection & Security
DCA provides one of the most reliable multi-currency wallets in the crypto market. This wallet is a web base wallet as it can be used online, on desktop, and on mobile to secure cryptocurrency and perform multi-cryptocurrency transactions, liquidity, mining and trading
Unlimited Free Transfers
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DCA web-based wallet has an easy navigation platform and with the assistance and guidance of a Verified Tutor users can have proper tutoring on cryptocurrency investment and how to get started, contact a verified trading and investment coach by clicking on the contact tutors located at the top of the page
Recurring Buys
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